
Luxury: 5 liquid soaps that fight germs without drying your hands

In this time of health crisis, our hands are drier than ever, because we are constantly flocking to sinks to…

4 years ago

The watchmaking house Baume and the high-end ski brand Zag sign a new watch

The Baume brand, the latest addition to the Richemont group, unveils a new eco-responsible watch with an innovative design made…

4 years ago

Visit La Piscine museum of Roubaix without leaving your home !

One year after its reopening and after welcoming more than 300,000 visitors, the museum continues to expand and has just…

5 years ago

New dates for the Chanel exhibition at the Jardin des Plantes in Paris

Chanel postpones to mid-June its invitation to discover its plant sectors in the service of committed beauty. (more…)

5 years ago

Paris 3020 : Daniel Arsham exhibits at the Perrotin Gallery

In the heart of the 3rd arrondissement of Paris, Daniel Arsham presents his brand new series of sculptures composed of…

5 years ago

Bar 228, Le Meurice Hotel

Where to curl up for a drink? In the warm and chic universe of an English club, yes, Bar 228…

5 years ago

The most refreshing and colourful collection of the season is from Lancel

For its spring-summer 2020 collection, Lancel is inspired by the prints and poster of the 60’s, to create a colorful,…

5 years ago